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Secure Broadway Wi-Fi Setup on Windows

  1. Find the wireless icon in the lower right corner of your task tray, choose Broadway Setup or AMDA Guest if you are on campus from the menu, and wait for your device to connect to the network.  If you are not on campus, please connect to any trusted wireless network.
  2. Launch your preferred web browser (Edge, Firefox, or Chrome) and go to and click on Setup Secure Broadway Wi-Fi.
  3. At the Connect to AMDA Secure Broadway Wi-Fi page selected either Students and Faculty or Staff option.
  4. Your Windows system should be automatically detected. If it was incorrectly detected, you can select the correct system in the drop-down at the bottom of the page. When ready click the JoinNow button to continue.
  5. After you click JoinNow, an EXE file called WiFi_AMDA_Wrapper.exe will begin to download. Choose to Open File the EXE.
  6. You will be prompted to allow the app to make changes to your device. Click Yes.
  7. The Wi-Fi Setup wizard wills start, click on Next.
  8. A browser will appear and prompt for your AMDA Google or your Staff Azure log-in credentials.
    1. If you receive an Error 403, please see the Error 403 help page.
  9. You will see Joined when the profile is successfully installed, click Done
    1. Note: If you are off Campus, the connection will time-out, you may click Continue to finish the setup and re-connect to your Wi-Fi Network.
  10. After joining the network click done and if on campus. verify that you are correctly connected to the Broadway wireless network. You may be prompted to select a network type. It is recommended to choose Public Network. If you are not on campus you should automatically connect to Broadway when you arrive. 

If you are unable to connect please contact us at, please include your AMDA Email address, the location you are connecting from, device type, and any error messages you received.