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Print from your personal device to AMDA Papercut Printers.

You have 3 options when printing from your personal device.

Mobility Print

Mobility Print is a feature that allows you to print from your personal Mac or Windows device.
Note: This setup allows for duplex printing (double-sided) using the standard mac or windows print option.
Chromebook, iPhone, and Android devices are not supported use Web Print or Email to Print instead.

  1. Visit the Mobility Print setup webpage.
  2. Download and run the ​Mobility Print installer.
  3. Click the “Connect and get my Printers ” link on the Setup Mobility page, then Allow or Open and the printer will be installed.
  4. From any application, send a print job to the PrintAnywhereCloud printer, you may need to click “See More…“.
  5. At the Sign In popup, enter your ID Card Number located on the back of your ID card for your Username Password.
  6. Release your print job at any AMDA Papercut printer with your ID Card
    Note: Setup is only required once per device.

Web Print

Print PDF documents via the Papercut Portal on any device with a web browser.

  1. Visit and log-in with your AMDA Account
  2. Choose “Web Print” option and follow the on-screen ​instructions.

Email to Print

Print PDF Documents with your email address.
Attach your PDF Document to an email and send it to:

You will then receive a confirmation email once your document is ready to be released​.