Best Practices for Correcting Errors after Using The Course Import Tool
Using the Course Import Tool is a great way to reuse course content. However, there are some items you should check and may need to edit after you import a course. This page reviews the most common errors that can occur when using the Course Import Tool and how to fix them.
Delete Page Duplicates
At some point, you may end up with duplicate or unnecessary pages in your course. You can delete page duplicates by doing the following:
- Click Pages from the Course Navigation Menu on the left. Then, select View All Pages.
- Locate the Duplicate Pages. These will have the word “Copy” after the title.
- Check the Box(es) next to the page(s) you wish to delete.
- Click the Delete Icon at the top right of the page.
- Confirm that the Popup Window shows the pages you wish to delete. Then, click Delete.
Edit Assignment Weights
Importing content can sometimes create duplicate Assignment Groups or create a new Assignment Group. This will negatively impact the accuracy of students’ grades in the Gradebook.
To edit any inaccurate assignment weights, follow the following steps.
- Open the Assignments tab in your Course Navigation Menu.
- Click the Assignments Settings icon.
- Select the Assignment Groups Weights option.
- The total percentage should add to 100% and reflect the assignment groups listed in your syllabus. Note if any assignment groups are duplicated or need the weight percentage adjusted.
- If needed, from the Assignment Groups Weights menu, change percentages to total 100.
- If needed, when you return back to the Assignments tab, delete any duplicate Assignment Groups. To do so, click on the three dots on the appropriate Assignment Group.
- Select Delete from the drop-down. You can choose to delete the group’s assignments or move its assignments to a selected Assignment Group.
Add Items to Weekly Modules (optional)
If you need to add new items to a weekly module, if you need to add existing items to a weekly module, use the following steps:
- In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
- Scroll down to the Module you’d like to work on.
- To add an item to a Module, click the Add Item icon.
- Click the Add drop-down menu and select one of the following item types:
File (document and media file types)
Discussion - Click the Add Item button.
- View the selected module item.
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